My story
Ieva Kelpsaite
—— How I became a Relationship Coach
It all began almost 10 years ago when I took my first Argentine tango class. The more I learnt about tango, the more I realised how much I’ve grown.
At the beginning of my coaching practice having conversations with clients felt good. However, I realised that something very important was missing, as tango allowed me to connect with deeper aspects of myself without words and create healing.
I began to study what is it about tango that gifts us with so much goodness.
In tango I experienced the embrace as a safe space to be. Dancing tango, I’ve learnt to connect with my body and use it as a vehicle to explore my fears and powers. It soon became a safe container which allowed me to trust and express myself. Through dance, music, and the presence of my dance partner, I was able to connect with different parts of myself that an intellectual mind would hardly permit.
Tango allowed me to immerse into the healing energy that can be created by two people sharing a moment of full attentive presence witnessing their tue self.
In its very natural essence, tango allowed me to connect with my physical, emotional, and spiritual self and taught me how to do it with others. Now these elements form essential part of my coaching philosophy.
I am a qualified relationship coach and help individuals and couples to find connection with themselves allowing them radiate positive energy and communicate autentically in all their relationships. My coaching has been inspired by Argentinian Tango and is rooted in advanced relationship coach training received from my wonderful teachers Magali & Mark Peysha at Coaching Institute. Into my coaching I also integrate my transformative energy work as a practitioner of Tesla Metamorphosis.
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If you’d like to know me, and would like to exchange your thoughts before booking the appointment, feel free to drop me an instant message in a chat. I’d be happy to start a conversation and answer any questions you have.